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Ecosystem Laboratoire Ecosystem Laboratoire Ecosystem Laboratoire Ecosystem Laboratoire Ecosystem Laboratoire
Termos e Condições Gerais de Venda



O objectivo das presentes condições gerais de venda é regular as relações contratuais entre a empresa ECOSYSTEM, cuja sede social se situa em Paris 23/25 rue Jean Jacques Rousseau 75001 PARIS, SAS com um capital de 280 000 euros, RCS Paris 352755060, IVA N° FR 42352755060 e os seus clientes.

Finalidade e alcance

Qualquer encomenda implica a aceitação sem reservas do comprador e a adesão total e completa às presentes condições gerais de venda, que prevalecem sobre qualquer outro documento do comprador, a menos que a nossa empresa negoceie condições especiais.


Order acceptance

An order is only deemed accepted by Ecosystem when the customer receives an acknowledgement of receipt.

Order taking

Orders are final only when they have been confirmed by the signature of the purchase order by the Customer’s legal representative or any person duly authorised for this purpose and after payment.

Order Change

The terms of the orders transmitted to our company are irrevocable for the Customer, unless we accept in writing. In this case, our company will not be bound by the time limits initially agreed.

Order refusal

In the event that a customer places an order with our company, without having paid for the previous order(s), our company may refuse to honour the order, without the customer being entitled to any compensation, for whatever reason.

Right of withdrawal

In accordance with the provisions of article L. 221-18 et seq. of the French Consumer Code, the customer has a withdrawal period of 14 full calendar days from the receipt of his order to exercise his right of withdrawal without having to justify the reasons, or to pay penalties, with the exception, where applicable, of return charges.

To exercise its right of withdrawal, the customer must notify ECOSYSTEM SAS of its decision to withdraw from this contract by means of an unambiguous declaration (for example, letter sent by post or e-mail). The customer can use the withdrawal form template below, but it is not mandatory.

Withdrawal form template

Complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract:

Attn: ECOSYSTEM SAS, Industrial Zone - Rue René Pinsard - 45310 Patay –

I/we () hereby notify/notify you () of the withdrawal of the contract relating to the sale of the property ()/provision of services (*) below:

Ordered on ()/received on (): Order number (reference): Name of consumer(s): Address of consumer(s):


Signature of the consumer(s) (only in case of notification of this paper form):

(*) Delete as appropriate.

You can also withdraw by making a written statement containing the above information.

The refund will be made within 14 days from the date on which the company ECOSYSTEM SAS is informed of the customer’s decision to withdraw, subject to receipt of the returned products. The company ECOSYSTEM SAS may defer the refund until receipt of the products or until the customer has provided proof of shipment of the products, the date chosen being that of the first of these facts.

The company ECOSYSTEM SAS will proceed with the refund using the same means of payment as that used by the customer for the initial transaction, unless expressly agreed by the customer for a different means. In any case, this refund will not entail any costs for the customer.

Money Back Guarantee

In addition to the legal guarantees, the products, marketed by Ecosystem in network marketing, benefit from a "money back guarantee" for 90 days from their delivery.


Entrega em França continental

Os produtos disponíveis são enviados por La Poste em Colissimo (1 a 4 dias úteis). O tempo de entrega é tido em conta a partir do momento em que o pacote é entregue nos Correios. A encomenda deve ser efectuada de segunda a sexta-feira antes do meio-dia para entrega no dia seguinte (excepto nos dias feriados). As encomendas feitas desde sexta-feira à tarde até domingo inclusive serão processadas a partir da segunda-feira seguinte.


A entrega é feita quer por entrega directa ao cliente, quer por simples aviso de disponibilidade, quer por entrega a um expedidor ou a um transportador nas nossas instalações.


As reclamações sobre a não conformidade dos bens entregues devem ser feitas por carta registada com aviso de recepção ou por carta entregue em mão contra recibo.

Custos de entrega

Para cada encomenda efectuada à taxa pública ou pelos nossos parceiros VDI na França, será facturada uma taxa fixa de 7 euros (incluindo IVA) para cobrir os custos de preparação da encomenda e entrega. Os custos de entrega são gratuitos para encomendas de mais de 1050 euros TTC.



Os nossos bens são garantidos contra qualquer defeito de material ou de fabrico durante um período de 2 anos, a partir da data de entrega.

A apresentação da factura liquidada será rigorosamente exigida antes de qualquer implementação da nossa garantia.

As intervenções ao abrigo da garantia não terão o efeito de prolongar a duração da garantia.


Estão excluídos: defeitos aparentes, defeitos e deterioração causados pelo desgaste normal, por um acidente externo (montagem incorrecta, manutenção defeituosa, utilização anormal....), pela intervenção de um terceiro, ou por uma modificação do produto que não tenha sido prevista ou especificada pela nossa empresa.

Tarifas - Preços

Qualquer cotação feita com antecedência será válida por um período de dois meses.

Os nossos bens são fornecidos aos preços em vigor no momento em que a encomenda é efectuada.

Os preços são líquidos, à saída da fábrica, excluindo impostos com base nas tarifas em vigor.

Qualquer imposto, direito ou outro serviço a ser pago em aplicação da legislação francesa ou de um país de importação ou de trânsito e quaisquer alterações a estes entre a data da encomenda e a da factura serão suportados pelo comprador.

Os custos de envio são sempre pagos pelo comprador, salvo acordo escrito em contrário por parte do fornecedor.


Todas as compras de bens serão facturadas e entregues após a conclusão da venda, em conformidade com as disposições do artigo L.441-3 do Código Comercial Francês.


Data limite

Salvo acordo em contrário, as nossas vendas são pagas antecipadamente quando a encomenda é efectuada.

Cancelamento de linhas de crédito

Se as condições de pagamento tiverem sido acordadas, estas condições tornar-se-ão imediatamente nulas em caso de atraso de pagamento.

Condições de pagamento

Os pagamentos devem ser efectuados :

  • Por cheque bancário ou postal endereçado a : ECOSYSTEM SAS - ZI, rue René Pinsard - 45310 Patay.
  • Por cartão de crédito.

As encomendas internacionais só serão pagas por transferência bancária.

A nossa empresa não pretende conceder qualquer desconto para pagamento em dinheiro ou numa data anterior à que resulta das presentes condições gerais de venda.

Reserva de propriedade

Our company reserves the ownership of the goods sold until full payment of their price in principal and interest. If the price is not paid by the agreed deadline, our company will be able to take back the goods, the sale will be resolved by operation of law if deemed appropriate by our company and the deposit already paid to us will remain acquired in return for the enjoyment of the goods which will have benefited the customer. The goods will remain the property of our company until full payment of their price, but the customer will become responsible for them as soon as they are delivered, the transfer of possession entailing that of risks.

Force majeure

The occurrence of force majeure has the effect of suspending the performance of our company’s contractual obligations. Is a case of force majeure, any event beyond the control of our company and impeding its normal functioning at the stage of manufacture or shipment of the goods. In particular, cases of force majeure, total or partial strikes hindering the proper functioning of our company or that of one of our suppliers, subcontractors or transporters as well as the interruption of transport, the supply of energy, raw materials or spare parts. In such circumstances, our company will notify the customer, in writing, within 72 hours of the date of occurrence of the events, the contract between our company and the customer being automatically suspended, without compensation, from the date of occurrence of the event. If the event were to last more than 30 days from the date of occurrence of thethe sales contract concluded by our company and the customer may be terminated by the most diligent party without any of the parties being entitled to claim damages. Such termination shall take effect on the date of the first presentation of the registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt denouncing the said sale.

Droit d’inscription sur la liste d’opposition au démarchage téléphonique

Vous avez la possibilité de vous inscrire gratuitement sur une liste d’opposition au démarchage téléphonique BLOCTEL ( afin de ne plus être démarché téléphoniquement par un professionnel avec lequel vous n’avez pas de relation contractuelle en cours, conformément à la loi n°2014-344 du 17 mars 2014 relative à la consommation.

Lei aplicável

Qualquer questão relativa às presentes condições gerais de venda que não seja tratada nas presentes estipulações contratuais será regida exclusivamente pela lei francesa.

Provedor do consumidor

Ecosystem SAS é membro da Fédération de la Vente Directe (FVD). Como tal, o nosso mediador é o CPMVD cuja missão é resolver, livre de encargos e amigavelmente, quaisquer litígios que possam surgir durante a conclusão ou execução de um contrato entre um consumidor e uma empresa de Venda Directa.

Em caso de litígio, deve primeiro contactar ECOSYSTEM SAS - Zone Industrielle - Rue René Pinsard - 45310 Patay - - Tel: 02 38 81 81 81 01.

Se não for encontrada uma solução no prazo de 30 dias após o seu pedido, poderá consultar o CPMVD clicando neste link: ou pelo correio: CPMVD - 1, rue Emmanuel Chauvière - 75015 - Paris, ou por e-mail:

Não há custo para o cliente para remeter o assunto para o mediador (à excepção das despesas postais, quando aplicável).

Customer service

Customer service contact information: Ecosystem Laboratoire – Rue René Pinsard – 45310 Patay – Tel: – Mail:

Protection of personal data

Customers' personal data is collected, processed and protected in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and French law.

Intellectual property

All elements of the site (texts, images, logos, etc.) are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without the permission of the company.

Legal guarantees

1. Legal guarantee of conformity: According to Articles L217-4 to L217-14 of the French Consumer Code, this guarantee protects the consumer against defects of conformity that exist at the time of delivery of the good. The duration of this guarantee is two years from the delivery of the property.

Article L217-4: The seller shall deliver a good in accordance with the contract and shall be liable for any non-conformity existing at the time of delivery. He shall also be liable for any noncompliance resulting from the packaging, installation instructions or installation where the latter has been charged to him by the contract or has been carried out under his responsibility.

Article L217-5: The property complies with the contract:

1) If it is suitable for the usual intended use of a similar good and, if applicable:

- it corresponds to the description given by the seller and has the qualities which he has presented to the buyer in the form of a sample or model;

- it has the qualities which a purchaser may legitimately expect in view of public statements made by the seller, the producer or his representative, in particular in advertising or labelling;

2) Or if it has the characteristics defined by mutual agreement between the parties or is suitable for any special use sought by the buyer, brought to the attention of the seller and which the latter has accepted.

Article L217-6: The seller is not bound by the public declarations of the producer or his representative if it is established that he did not know them and was not legitimately able to know them.

Article L217-7: Defects of conformity which occur within 24 months of the issue of the property are presumed to exist at the time of issuance, unless otherwise proven. For second-hand goods, this period shall be six months. The seller may challenge this presumption if it is not compatible with the nature of the property or the alleged non-compliance.

Article L217-8: The buyer is entitled to demand compliance of the property with the contract. However, he cannot challenge compliance by invoking a defect that he knew or could not have ignored when he contracted. The same applies where the defect originates in the materials supplied by it.

Article L217-9: In case of non-compliance, the buyer chooses between repair and replacement of the property. However, the seller may not proceed according to the buyer’s choice if this choice results in a cost clearly disproportionate to the other method, taking into account the value of the property or the importance of the defect. He is then obliged to proceed, unless impossible, according to the modality not chosen by the buyer.

Article L217-10: If repair and replacement of the property is impossible, the buyer may return the property and have the price returned or keep the property and return part of the price. The same faculty is open to him:

1) If the solution requested, proposed or agreed under Article L. 217-9 cannot be implemented within one month of the buyer’s complaint;

2) Or if this solution cannot be without major inconvenience for the latter, taking into account the nature of the property and the use he seeks. However, the sale cannot be rescinded if the non-compliance is minor.

Article L217-11: The application of the provisions of Articles L. 217-9 and L. 217-10 takes place at no cost to the purchaser. The same provisions do not preclude the award of damages.

Article L217-12: The action resulting from the failure to comply shall be prescribed after two years from the issue of the property.

Article L217-13: The provisions of this Section do not deprive the buyer of the right to exercise the action resulting from excessive defects as it results from Articles 1641 to 1649 of the Civil Code or any other action of a contractual or extracontractual nature which he is recognized by law.

Article L217-14: The recursive action may be brought by the final seller against the successive sellers or intermediaries and the producer of the tangible movable property, in accordance with the principles of the Civil Code.

2. Legal guarantee of hidden defects: According to articles 1641 to 1649 of the Civil Code, this guarantee protects the consumer against hidden defects which render the good unsuitable for the use for which it is intended or which diminish this use so much that the buyer would not have acquired it or would have given it only a lower price if he had known it. The duration of this guarantee is two years from the discovery of the defect.

These legal guarantees apply independently of any commercial guarantee that ECOSYSTEM SAS may otherwise offer.

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