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All you need to know about black garlic: a culinary and nutritional superfood

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Écrit par Ecosystem Laboratoire - Publié le

Black garlic, that mysterious and powerful superfood, is attracting increasing interest around the world. Native to Asia, it is prized for its nutritional benefits and unique culinary properties. In this article, we take an in-depth look at black garlic, its origins, its benefits for the body, and how it can be incorporated into your daily diet. 

What is black garlic and where does it come from?

Black garlic is obtained by fermenting fresh garlic for several weeks at a controlled temperature and humidity. This process transforms the white cloves into a black colour, giving them a soft texture and a sweet, slightly acidic flavour. Unlike fresh garlic, black garlic is less pungent, with a flavour reminiscent of balsamic or prunes. Black garlic has its roots in Korea, where it has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. It quickly spread to Japan and Thailand before making its way to Western countries. Its unique fermentation process and benefits make it a valuable ingredient in both cooking and sport.

The benefits of black garlic : 

Black garlic has a wealth of health benefits, thanks to its high content of antioxidants and bioactive compounds. Black garlic is 2 to 3 times higher in antioxidants than traditional white garlic! Here are some of the main benefits:

  • Antioxidant & anti-inflammatory properties: Black garlic contains high levels of S-allyl-cysteine (SAC), a compound with powerful antioxidant properties. These antioxidants help neutralise free radicals in the body, leading to oxidative stress and cell damage. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, black garlic can help relieve chronic inflammation and improve associated conditions such as arthritis.

  • Immune: The compounds in black garlic boost the immune system, helping the body to fight infection. Black garlic stimulates the production of white blood cells, which has the direct effect of strengthening the immune system. A study was carried out on this subject, in which participants were given either black garlic or raw garlic before having their blood tested. It turned out that those who had eaten black garlic showed greater immunostimulant activity than those who had eaten raw garlic. As a result, black garlic increases the body's immune activity and also helps to fight certain bacteria and infections. It's advisable to eat it when the seasons change, as it is highly effective in treating minor intestinal infections and winter ailments.

  • Cardiovascular health: Black garlic helps to improve blood circulation and reduce blood pressure. It also helps to lower cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. As well as preserving the brain and memory, this food is a real protector of the cardiovascular system. Black garlic has very specific properties that enable it to act on three levels: blood circulation, blood vessels and the heart.

  • Digestive: Black garlic promotes good digestion and can help prevent certain digestive disorders thanks to its prebiotic effects, which nourish the good bacteria in the intestine.

Many culinary uses:

Beyond its benefits for the body, black garlic is also a versatile ingredient in cooking. Black garlic can be used as a condiment to add a touch of flavour to your dishes. It can be spread on bread, mixed into sauces or added to marinades. Black garlic cloves can be added to vegetable, meat or fish dishes for a mild, sweet flavour. Using black garlic as a garnish for salads is another option, for soups or pasta dishes. Its soft texture and unique flavour make it an ideal garnish for many dishes. Finally, for those with a sweet tooth, black garlic can also be used in desserts, particularly chocolate cakes or crème brûlées, to add an interesting depth of flavour.

At Ecosystem Laboratoire, we have created recipes using our products, including our black garlic: black garlic cookies, muffins, gratins and many other ideas for tasty, balanced preparations. To discover them, visit our Youtube page:!

Ecosystem Laboratoire products made with black garlic : 

At our Laboratory in Patay (in the Loiret region), we are committed to offering high-quality natural products that take advantage of the benefits of black garlic. We have developed two products to meet the needs of many people in terms of well-being and nutrition. Our ready-to-eat peeled black garlic cloves in our wellness range are ideal for adding to your culinary preparations. Secondly, made from black garlic in liquid form, our Garlic'ID, in our range of food supplements, is designed for rapid assimilation of the antioxidants present in black garlic, which are 2 to 3 times higher than those in traditional white garlic.

Would you like to try our two black garlic products: one in solid form and the other in liquid form? Click here: !

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