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Ecosystem Laboratoire Ecosystem Laboratoire Ecosystem Laboratoire Ecosystem Laboratoire Ecosystem Laboratoire

They're talking about us in the République du Centre!

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Every Friday, we bring you a new article. But this week is a bit special, because a very popular local newspaper has decided to focus on our company! At the start of the new year, a journalist from La République du Centre came to interview our Chairman and Founder, Frédéric Pottecher. Plans for the future, the launch of a new coffee range, the selection of our raw materials... All these subjects were discussed during the interview. We hope you enjoy the interview!

Some information about La République du Centre:

La République du Centre, more commonly known as La Rep', is a French regional daily newspaper based in Orléans in the Loiret department and the Centre-Val de Loire region. It is part of the Centre France Group. La République du Centre covers world, national and local (Orléans and Loiret) news. It covers a wide range of subjects, including politics, news, society, sport and the economy.

Read the article: 

The main aim of the journalist who came to meet Mr Pottecher was to find out more about our manufacturing processes and values, and to discover our new range of 'Moga' products! The article was published on 1 February 2024 on the République du Centre website. It is available on the newspaper's website. Please note that this is a subscriber-only article. To read the web version: article.

You can visit our Laboratory all year round:

Would you like to come and see our production site for yourself? You can, all year round and free of charge! We offer guided tours of the Laboratory on reservation during the opening days of our Métropole branch. These tours, led by our teams, give you access to our various product manufacturing areas. Tours are limited to groups of 30 people maximum. If a visit is booked for a larger number of people, 2 sessions may be scheduled on the same day or on different dates. To book your slot: contact our switchboard on or send us an e-mail to

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