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Ecosystem Laboratoire Ecosystem Laboratoire Ecosystem Laboratoire Ecosystem Laboratoire Ecosystem Laboratoire

6 ways to save water!

Écrit par Ecosystem Laboratoire - Publié le

Do you want to cool off without draining the planet's water reserves? We've put together six water-saving tips that you can adopt straight away. These simple but effective tips, most of which you probably already know, will help you to do something for the planet, while keeping your garden green and your water bill blue. So, are you ready to change your habits to save water? Read on to find out how!

1) Opt for a quick shower rather than a bath:

Do you enjoy lounging in a nice hot bath after a long day? We agree, it's nice. But have you ever thought about the volume of water that represents? Make way for a quick shower! Compared to a bath, a shower uses three times less water. It's an ideal alternative for conserving water and staying cool this summer. Worried that your moment of relaxation won't be the same in the shower? A shower can be just as relaxing as a bath, especially if you add a few drops of essential oils.

As well as doing something for the planet, you'll also save money on your water bill. So, are you ready to swap your bath for a shower? It's not a radical change, but rather a small step towards a more sustainable lifestyle, and every small step counts in this great march to preserve our planet.

2) Collect rainwater to water your plants:

Water your plants with rainwater? It's a very economical gesture! You kill two birds with one stone, pamper your plants and help the planet at the same time. Not bad, eh? How do you go about it, you ask? It's as easy as can be! Start by installing a rainwater collector in your garden. As soon as it rains, your natural water reserve fills up. 

And what about your plants? They'll love it, and you'll see, they'll thank you. Rainwater is less calcareous and gentler on them. They'll grow and flower like never before. This water-saving gesture is a win-win situation. You save drinking water and give your plants the very best. So, are you ready to take action?

3) Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth:

Have you ever wondered how much water flows when you brush your teeth? The answer may surprise you: around 12 litres. Imagine, that's almost two bucketfuls! One way of saving water is simply to turn off the tap during this time. By doing this, you can save up to 3650 litres of water a year. That's all it takes! This may seem like an insignificant gesture, but imagine the impact if everyone adopted this habit! We could fill an Olympic swimming pool. Alas, no luck for swimmers, we prefer to keep this water in nature reserves. It's much more useful, isn't it?

So the next time you brush your teeth, remember to turn off the tap. This small gesture to save water makes a big difference. Think of it as a small victory for the planet, and a big step forward for your ecological conscience. Let's get started!

4) Wash your appliances with a full load:

Let's move on to your household appliances! When it comes to running your washing machine or dishwasher, wait until you have a full load. It's a simple and effective way of reducing your water consumption. Imagine, each half-load wash cycle is like letting the water run from your tap for hours. Makes you think, doesn't it? 

So before you start your machines, make sure they're full. Not only will you be doing something to save water, but you'll also be extending the life of your appliances. It's a two-in-one solution!

5) Fix water leaks in your home quickly:

A leaky tap means up to 120 litres of water wasted every day. That's enough to fill a bathtub! Imagine pouring that water straight down the sink. It's heartbreaking, isn't it? So we get out the tools and turn ourselves into Sunday DIY enthusiasts. We're not all plumbers, but we can all become water rescuers. A leak can hide anywhere: taps, toilets, showers, washing machines. Just keep an eye out! And if you can't do it yourself, ask for help. You'll feel better afterwards, I promise.

6) Install water-saving devices on your taps:

Here's one last effective tip: install water-saving devices on your taps. Quick and easy to install, this can cut your water consumption by up to 50%! How do they work? These clever little devices reduce the flow of water without affecting the pressure. You can still wash your hands or do the dishes as usual, but with much less water! 

Here are a few examples of water-saving devices you can install:

  • Aerators: they mix the water with air. The result? A soft, aerated jet of water that uses less water.
  • Flow restrictors: these limit the amount of water that comes out of the tap. Ideal for taps that run too fast.
  • Water-saving showerheads: for your showers, opt for a showerhead that reduces the flow of water. You'll save money and stay clean at the same time!

So, are you ready to adopt these water-saving measures? You'll see how quickly your water bill will go down! And the planet will thank you! Every drop counts when it comes to conserving this precious resource. You now have in your hands 6 simple and effective ways to save water. As the saying goes, "small streams make big rivers". So it's up to you!

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